Welcome at my webpage containing list of interesting robotics related links. If you have any comments or proposals, you can contact me at the address hubak@elf.stuba.sk.

Vitajte na mojej stránke obsahujúcej zaujímavé linky na stránky s robotickou tématikou - ak máte ľubovoľné pripomienky alebo tipy na pridanie ďalších linkov, budem rád, keď ma budete kontaktovať na adrese hubak@elf.stuba.sk.

Robotic news and online magazines
(Robotické novinky a online časopisy)

Robohub portal - Online portal for robotics researchers
Robotics Resources, News, eMagazine and Library
Robotic News for Academics & Professionals
Robotic news from Grishin Robotics
Science, technology and applications of robotics
All the best news on Quadrotors, Walkers and cool robots
Robots and Robotics on Yahoo! News
The Robot Report - Tracking The Business of Robotics
Robots.net - Robot news and Robotics Info
Robot Dreams
Robots Engadget
Robots - Because humans deserve better
we-make-money-not-art Robots
Topix.net - Robot News
Robots at zedomax.com
Popular Mechanics - Robotics
Popular Science
Robotland - Free information service
Robotic Industries Association - Robotics Online
Make: techology on your time - Robotics Archive
VieArtificielle.com (in French)
OhGizmo! - Robots
Robotics Business Review
Robot Gossip
Gizmodo - Robots
Automaton: IEEE Spectrum's blog on robots and robotic technology
digg - robots
Machine Brain News
Robot News
Robotics @ Big Blog
Nxtbot.com Blog
GoRobotics.net - Robotics projects
Science Daily - Robotics
Robotic Trends
Robotics Business Review
Robot Watch (in Japanese)
Robots at AAAI
Science Fiction Ideas, Inventions and News Related to Robotics
Tomorrow's Trends
Robots Next
gizmag Robotics
Asahi.com: Special Robot Articles (in Japanese)
ZeroBots! - Robotika Web (in Spanish)
Robotic Nation Evidence
Thinking by Peter Davidson
SCENTA: Robots
myROBOT - Russian robotic portal
Modern Mechanix - Robots
Robot Central
Plastic Pals
Robot Magazine
dmoz open directory project - robots
Humanoid Robotics
Harvard Robotics Laboratory
Plastic Pals
NASA Telerobotics Latest News
Robotyka, roboty i automatyka - Polish page about robotics (in Polish)
Robotics and industrial automation related products

Lists of links
(Zoznamy linkov)

Complete Robotics Resource
Ericson Mar's Robotics Links
Robotics - a CompInfo Directory
Robotics in Germany, Japan and Australia
ROBOTCAFE.COM Links and News
Robotic Software Tools
Robot Building Links
Robotics Resources
Robotics Links
List of robotic companies
Industrial robot suppliers
Robot Journal
Ragman's Robotics Links
AI, Cognitive Science & Robotics
Bucknell's Robotics Resources
Jeff's All Things Robot
David Cary's Robotics Links
Robot Wisdom's Robots and robotics resources
NASA Space Telerobotics Program
Robot Space Explorers at The Open University
ePanorama Robotics information page
Direct Industry - Virtual industrial exhibition
Robotics related links at MacRAE's Blue Book site
Google Directory - Robotics
Robotics Institutes at Yahoo! Directory
Robot at Factbites
Encyclopedia 4U
Robot in TutorGig Encyclopedia
NASA Internet Robotics Resources Index
Robotic Research Groups
Links at RoboSapiens webpage
Links roboticos
Biomorphic Robot Links at Iguana Robotics
Demining Mobile Robots
Walking robots
Robotics links
RobWorld Links
Denning Branch International - Robotic Products
Bizzare Science - AI & ROBOTS...
Hobby Robotics
Ron's ROV Links
AUV related links
Conceptual Design/Info Arts Links
Art & Artists using Robotics Technology
Oricom Technologies Robotics Page
Robotics at Bill's home Page
Links at ARC Research Network in Robotics
Engineering Library Resources In Robotics
Robotics Handbook (in Japanese)
Artists, Scientists, Researchers, Inventors, Theorist and Authors
Robots archive
Useful robotic links at Robodyssey Systems
Robotics Resources by Grau-Hall Scientific
Educational robotics related links at StartLocal
Robotic Connection: A Reference Guide for Robotics Enthusiasts
Vanessa LeBeau's Guide to Robotics

Tutorials and encyclopediae
(Tutorialy a encyklopédie)

Robotics by Bruce Randall Donald
Encyclopedia Robotica
ROBOTS.COM - Robot Education
Robotics FAQ
The Tech Museum - Robotics
free-itebooks robotics-automation
Compendium of Computer Vision
Robot Encyclopedia at Nationmaster.com
Humanoid Robotics Tutorial
Mobile Robot Navigation
Co je robot?
Robot Welding
Robotics Lessons
Online Encyclopedia - Robot
Robot - encyclopedia article about Robot
Isaac Asimov: Robótica
Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots
Robots at Cultural Blender website
List of fictional robots and androids at Wikipedia
Robots at Howstuffworks
Elements of Gear Technology
What is a Cycloidal Speed Reducer?
Determining Speed Reducers for Robotic Applications
Teoria robotyki (in Polish)
Industrial Robots - Engineer's Handbook
Robotics Overview
Mechanics from Eric Weisstein's World of Physics
Video Demonstrations of Robotics Principles
A Guide to Robotics Technology by Lisa Richards
An Electricity Glossary of Terms for Homeowners

History of robots and robotics
(História robotov a robotiky)

Small Robots - Report by Edmund C.Berkeley from 1956
History of robotics
Visual Journal - Robot History
A Historical Timeline of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
History of automatons
History of the automaton
Maillardet's Automaton
History of robots in the victorian era :-)
Jerome Lemelson's Patents
Reconstruction of Leonardo da Vinci's Programmable Automaton
UConn BioMedical Eng. Da Vinci Robot Reconstruction
Nikola Tesla: Father of Robotics
Wolfgang Kempelen: Bratislavský Faust (in Slovak)
C.Walton Musser - Inventor of Harmonic Drive
History of walking mechanisms
Machina Speculatrix - Grey Walter's electromechanical Tortoise
Dr.W.Grey - Robotics Pioneer
Feeling is Believing: History of Telerobotics Technology
First documented case of a robot killing a human in U.S.A.
Tales of Future Past - Future Robots
A Tale of Two Subs - CURV recovers an H Bomb
Karakuri - Japanese tea-serving automatons
Time Line of UAVs
Nolan Bushnell and his Androbot
Androbot Inc.
HERO 1 homepage
History Makers
The Old Robots Web Site
History of robotics
PALEO-FUTURE A look into the future that never was
A history of cybernetic animals and early robots

Industrial and service robots
(Priemyselné a servisné roboty)

Adept Technology
EPSON Robots
FANUC Robotics
Hirata Robotics
Lanco AG
MOTOMAN Yaskawa Company

OTC Daihen
Reis Robotics
Robots DotCom
Staubli Robotics
ST Robotics
Applied Robotics - Grippers
YAMAHA Robotics
IDEAL robotics
Used Robots.com
ROV Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles by Seaeye Marine
SeaBotix Inc.
Roper Resources Ltd. - Remotely Operated Equipments
WorkPartner - Service robot for outdoor tasks
RoboProbe Technologies
AGV Products
Egemin AGV
Pharmacy Automation
ScriptPro - Advancing Pharmacy Through Robotics
Applied Perception
Automated People Mover Systems
Cybermotion CyberGuard Robotic Security System
ASENDRO - Modular Reconnaissance and Defusing
Slovak mobile miniteleoperator SCORPIO by ZTS VVU Kosice
Barrett Technology - Advanced Robotic Arm and Hand Systems
American Standard Robotics, Inc.
Seegrid Corporation - Material Handling Robots
K-Robotix (in German)
Robotronics - Pluggie the Fireplug
Katana - Intelligent Personal Robot by Neuronics AG
OC Robotics Snake-arm robots
PipeEye International
ROBAI - Humanoid robot producer
Trend Robotics

Domestic robots, robotic toys
(Domáce roboty, robotické hračky)

FriendlyRobotics - Automatic Lawn Mower
Robot Games
Bamabots - Robotic lawn mowers dealer
Aqua Products
Robotic Pool Cleaners
Karcher Robocleaner
Siemens sensor cruiser VSR8000
Robots And Relax
IROBOT - Roomba & Scooba cleaners
Yujin Robot
Intellibot Robotics
Wany Robotics
Wow Wee - producer of Robosapien
Robosapien official website
RS Tri-bot
Robosapien unofficial homepage
Robosapien unofficial hacks and mods
Robosapien v2 official website
Roboraptor official website
Robopet official website
Roboraptor/Robopet unofificial hacks and mods
EvoSapien - Robosapien V2 Headquarters
Robots Rule!
Furby by Hasbro
Ottoro Cleaning Robot
NEC Personal Robot Center
SkyBot Window cleaners
Gecko Systems CareBot
Home Care-O-Bot by IPA
Nursebot Project
TMSUK Robots
Robopax Automatic Baby Rocker
Lullabup Cot Rocker
Wakamaru robot by Mitsubishi
Enon robot by Fujitsu
My Spoon by SECOM
Toyota Partner Robots
Toshiba Home Robot
Hitachi's robot EMIEW2
Valerie, a Domestic Android
NUVO Robot
Robo-One Official Site
Robo-One Korea
SEGA idog & ifish
Philips iCat
Philips Home Dialogue Systems
WiFi Robot by Dr.Robot Inc.
Ugobe - Life Forms Robots
PARO - Mental Commitment Robot
Personal and other robots at MEGADROID.COM
Life with robot Wakamaru
Consumer Robots - Advice, news, reviews and prices
Hexbug - Micro Robotic Creatures
EESolutions.ca - iRobot Roomba Repair Services
A Handyman’s Guide to Tinkering by HomeAdvisor
ifbot - Communication Robot

Hobby and educational robotics
(Hobby a vzdelávacia robotika)

RobotEvents - The Community Portal for Robotics and Technology in Education
RoboCommunity - The First and Only Official WowWee Robot Community
Active Robots - Robotics and Electronics Technology
LEGO Robotics
MindStorms NXT Shop
DPRG Tutorials
Robotics Resources
Jameco's Robot Store
Robot Group
Robotics Academy
K-Team Corporation
Hobby Engineering
Encoder The Newsletter of the Seattle Robotics Society
Solarbotics - BEAM Robotics Resource
BEAM Online
AmigoBot - Robots for developers
Microbot NA
RoboCup Official Site
RoboCup at FIIT STU Bratislava
Robot Soccer Team TUKE Robotics
Robot Soccer at Vienna Univ. of Technology
Mobile robot parts shop
HW Technologies - Robot parts shop
Lynxmotion Robot kits
Mr.Robot - Robot Kits
Open PINO Platform
ZMP Inc. - Producer of robot PINO ver.2
DIDEL - Microrobots and educational kits
Scribbler Robot
Arrick Robotics
Robot Magazine
Microbric Viper Real Robots Magazine
Society of Robots
Palm Pilot Robot Kit
Homebuilt ROV's
Stiquito Project
HoTDeC - Hovercraft Testbed for Decentralized Control
Botball homepage
Robot Competition FAQ
Competirobot - Robot Wars (in Italian)
Marc Thorpe - Robot Wars
Cup Draw (Low Tech) - Playful Invention and Exploration
HOW TO - Make a Roomba Serial Interface
HOW TO - Roomba Bluetooth Interface
Roombahacks Wiki
ROBOCAFE (in Japanese)
914 PC Bots Community
Seattle Robotics Society
Institute for Personal Robots in Education
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics blog
Darpa Robotics Challange 2013
Electrical Education: Science Lessons and Activities

Robots in medicine and pharmacy
(Roboty v lekárstve a lekárnictve)

Robotic Surgical Tech Inc. - Penelope Project
da Vinci Surgical System
Rehabilitation Robotics
Center for Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery
Medical Robotics @ UC Berkeley
Intuitive Surgical
AETHON - Automated Delivery System for Hospitals
INTOUCH Health - Remote Presence Robot
Assistive Robotic Manipulator
Robotic Help for the handicapped
Jesse Sulivan - the World's First Bionic Man
Rheo Knee by Ossur
Takanori Shibata - Artficial Emotional Creatures
iBOT Mobility System
Accuray CyberKnife
ROBODOC - Surgical robot
Acrobot - MIM Lab project
Armstrong Healthcare - Surgical robotics
RI-MAN - Care robot
My Spoon - Meal assistance robot by SECOM
The ARES robot
Bionics Lab
Surgical Robots
Many informations on surgery robotics
Medirob - Mobile Remote Controlled Sonographer Scanning Support

Military robotics
(Vojenská robotika)

Light demolition carrier "Goliath"
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
Axis History Factbook: - The V-1 Flying Bomb
The A-4/V-2 Resource Site
Tomahawk Cruise Missile
TU-141 Russian UAV (in Russian)
Fire Scout VTUAV at Naval Technology
Global Hawk Factsheet
Predator at Air Force Technology
Modern UAVs at Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles
UAV - Military Aircraft
Army Technology - Mine Clearance
Demining robots
Foster-Miller - TALON Robots
iRobot - PackBot series
Unammed Systems Survey at MILNET
Robot Army
Future Combat Systems
Robots at Defense Industry Daily
UAVs at Defense Industry Daily
Boston Dynamics
ROBOTICS at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center
AeroVironment SUAV
Unmanned systems at Northrop Grumman
UAVs at AAI Corporation
MMIST Precision Aerial Delivery Systems
Boeing Unmanned Little Bird Demonstrator Helicopter
Intelligent Surveillance & Security Guard Robot by Samsung
Remotec Unmanned Vehicle Systems by Northrop Grumman
Military Discovery
ReconRobotics - Micro-robot systems for miliatry and law enforcement personnel
Aerosonde - UAV producer

Robotics in space exploring
(Robotika v kozmickom výskume)

NASA JPL Robotics
NASA Planetary Robotics
Skyworker project
Robotic Antarctic Meteorite Search
Mars Exploration Rover Mission
Robonaut by NASA
MDA Space Missions
OBMS (On-board manipulator system) - "Russian Canadarm"
Exploring The Planets - Tools of Exploration
From the Moon Rover to the Mars Rover at TPS
The VSM: Lunokhod-2 25-year anniversary
Maryland Space Systems Laboratory
Robots in space
International Planetary Rover Efforts 

Robotics in agriculture
(Robotika v poľnohospodárstve)

Field Robot Event
The Field Robotics Center
Robot Sheep Shearing
Farm Robot Research
The Haptic Cow Simulator Project
Forest Robots
Farm Robots from The University of Warwick

Robot Art
(Robotika a umenie)

Art & Complexity
Park Robots
P.E.A.R.T. - The Robotic Drum Machine
Mubot - Musician robot
Robot Rock Band
The Three Sirens - A Robotic Rock Band
P.A.M. Band
Experimental Robot Musicians
Instruments and automats by Godfried-Willem Raes
LEMUR - League of Electronic Musical Urban Robots
Crazy J - Guitar Playing Mechanism
Robots and Origami
Scratch Robot
Robotic Ribbon Dancer
ArtBots - The Robot Talent Show
Isaac Asimov Home Page
Homepage of Karel Capek
List of fictional robots
Best robot movies
Astroboy Episode Guide
AstroBoy Online
Robotic Theater
Robot Art
Delicate Balance - Interactive Robotic Sculpture
Fritz Lang's Metropolis
Metropolis Movie at Opentopia
Mobile Smart Dance Robot
Ensemble Robot
The Frown - Cartoons We Are Robots
Robotic Art Chronology
Origin and Development of Robotic Art
Robot Performers, Living Statues etc.
Works of Carl Pisaturo
Hajime Sorayama's Official Web Site
Nam June Paik Studios
Work of Nam June Paik
Keith Thompson Art - Robots
The Robot as an Artist: Harold Cohen's Aaron
Johnny-Five.com - Robot from Short Circuit movie
Robot Hut Museum
Robby the Robo
Nicolas Schöffer and his cybernetic art
Edward Ihnatowicz - Cybernetic sculptor
Senster project at Hogeschool van Utrecht media technology
Gallery of Akira Kanayama
Bootmatrix: Heddatron - Robot Actors
ZOHO Artforms
Hektor - Robotic Graffiti
The ROBOT from "Lost in Space" Replica
Burrow Burrow! - Robot scultpures by Ann P.Smith
The Electric Giraffe
ArtSBot - Art & Science Project by IdMind
artpainter - a photoset on Flickr
Transformer Movie
Poisebot & Fernbot - Dancing robots
Sculptures by Lewis Tardy
Official BBC homepage of Doctor Who series
Podster's RObots Of  Fiction
Artbotics @ UMass Lowell
Quotes about robots
Robot quotes
Group of U.K. living statue artists

Robotic magazines, organizations and projects
Robotické časopisy, organizácie a projekty

Journal of Electrical Engineering
AT&P Journal
International Federation of Robotics
The British Automation & Robot Association
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
The International Journal of Robotics Research
KISS Institute for Practical Robotics
ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) Committee of the MTS
NanoRobotics Lab
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab
LABORIUS - Laboratoire de robotique mobile Universite de Sherbrooke
BioRobotics at University of Washington
Biorobotics Lab
Biologically Inspired Robotics Laboratory
DLR Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics
Stanford AI Laboratory
Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute
USC Robotics Research Lab
Delft Biorobotics Laboratory
The University of Michigan - Mobile Robotics Lab
San Francisco Robotics Society of America
Polymorphic Robotics Laboratory
Singapore Polytechnic - Centre for Advanced Robotics &Intelligent Control
Autonomous Systems Lab
Robotics at Galileo Educational Network
Ustav informatiky SAV Bratislava
Katedra robototechniky VSB Ostrava
Mobile Robots Group CVUT Praha
Artificial Life Group TU Kosice
Robotics India
Shadow Robot Company
Rotundus AB
Modular Robotics at PARC
Machine Control Laboratory - Albert HUBO
Cybernetic Technologies for the Car in the City
Autopilot: DIY UAV
Spyplanes from the MLB Company
nBot Balancing Robot
Entomopter Project
Gyrobot - a balancing robotic platform
Giovanni Muscato - Robotics
Modular Robotics & Robot Locomotion - Nanyang Technologic Univ.
Laboratory of Intelligent Systems EPFL
Bristol Robotics Laboratory
Center for Distributed Robotics - University of Minnesota
Robotics and Mechatronics Lab Univ. of Nebraska - Lincoln
Rotomotion - Helicopter robots
International Aerial Robotics Competition
Autonomous Rock-Climbing Robots
VORTEX Holding - Climbing technology
Soft Robot
Climbing Robots
International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines
Legged Robots
Australia's Telerobot on the Web
Projekt QRIO by SONY
Mobile robot RHEX
MIT Leg Laboratory
BIOKON Bionik-Kompetentz-Netz
COMETS Project - UAVs
EURON - European Robotics Research Network
CLAWAR - Climbing and walking robots
Cyberhand Project
Hydra Project
AUV Laboratory at MIT Sea Grant
State Research Center of Russia Central R&D Institute of Robotics...
BMSTU RISM Dept. of Special Robotics
Interactive Diagnosis and Service Systems
IRIS Project: Robot Partners
Personal Adaptive Mobility -AID
ROBOTIAN - A Cyber Robot Museum
Intelligent Cooperative Systems Laboratory
Waseda Talker - Anthropomorphic Talking Robot
Land Walker
Robot Suite HAL
RoboBar by Motoman
Iuventus UAV
Marine Robotic Vessels Intnl.
VideoRay ROV - Micro Submersible
First autonomous undersea robot
Flower Robotics
Koolio Fridge Robot
Robotlab - Art (Autoportrait)
Artificial Mouse Project (AMOUSE)
RoboMotio Company
Fighting Android by Self Defense Technologies
OCRobotics - Snake-arm robots
Robots at International Rescue System Institute
CRASAR - Rescue Robots
VRTS - Pedestrian and Applied Biomechanics Division
The Gastrobotics Institution at the University of South Florida
Centibots Project
Mechnique - Robot Rickshaw
Martial Arts Robot Project
The Airfield Challenge by BAA
EXPLOBOTIQUE - La robotique d'exploration
stairBOT - Stair climbing robot
Robotic Life Group (MIT)
The Haptic Community Web Site
MARVIN - Multi-purpose Aerial Robot
Guide to Robotics in the Classroom
Homepage of Johann Borenstein, author of the publication "Where am I"?
Homepage of Sebastian Thrun
Homepage of Kenzo Nonami
Homepage of Hans Moravec
Nicholas Stedman - Selected Projects
Homepage of Noel Sharkey
Homepage of Aaron Edsinger-Gonzales
Tickle Robot
ParalleMIC - the Parallel Mechanisms Information Center
Evolution Robotics
Fish Robots
Snake Robots
Bluefin Robotics Corporation - AUV
Airship Robots
Modular Serpentine Robots
Snake like robots
Robowatch Technologies
RHINO - Museum Tour-guide project
MINERVA - Robotic Tourguide project
Pioneer Project Homepage
XML Robot
CMU Mine Mapping Project
ANTY an intelligent huggy robot
Independent Robotic Community by Ricardo Iglesias and Gerald Kogler
Zaza project
The Robot ZOO at Futuroscope
RiSE Robot - Microdynamic Systems Laboratory
Cool Robots at Dartmouth College
The Leaf Project - Open source AI robot
Segway Robotic Mobility Platform (RMP)
the IT question - Seeking answers to Dean Kamen's latest invention
Dean Kamen - From Ginger to Segway
Babybot - LIRA-Lab Baby Humanoid Robot
High Altitude Airship project by Lockheed Martin
Key Robotics Laboratory of Shenyang Institute of Automation
ROBO GARAGE of Kyoto University
Robot Madeleine - Homepage of John H. Long
StickyBot at BDML Stanford UniversityUniversity
Interbots Project - Quasi robot
MIT Towing Tank - RoboTuna and other projects
Waseda Legs and other projects
Humanoid Robotics Group at MIT - Kismet, Cog and other projects
SEAL - Robotic Cable Inspection System at University of Washington
ISIS - UK's ROV for Antarctica exploration
MERTZ - An active vision head robot for exploring social learning
Robot Projects by Ted Larson
CRASAR - Center for Robot Assisted Search & Rescue
Wall Climbing Robot from Dalhousie University
makinghings.com - drawbot
Mobile Robot Lab
Stanford Robotics Courses
Lego NXT programming related page at AI-CIT (in Slovak)


The Rossum Poject - Open Source Robotics Software
dmoz Open Directory Project - Robotics Software
ROBOOP - A robotics object oriented package in C++
RobotWorks - robotics CAD
RoboWorks - Robotic Simulator
Robsim - Robot simulation program
Simderella - Robot simulator
Yobotics Simulation Construction Set Software
Khepera Simulato
CAMELOT - Robot Offline Programming
EASY-ROB 3D Robot Simulation Tool
Webots - Mobile Robot Simulation Tools
RidgeSoft - Educational Java Robotics
MisterHouse - Open source home automation program
Phantom Home Automation (GNU Phantom)
Darwin2K - Simulation and Automated Synthesis for Robotics
Player/Stage Project
Robot4 - Robotic Arm Movement Software
Actin Toolkit - Robot control and simulation software by Energid Technologies
Bionic Learning Network by FESTO
Microsoft Robotics Studio


Robotics - Safety and Health Topics
German Robot Server
Robot Seguritron
Robo Erectus
Genova Robot
Learn About Robots
Robotics index at Links999
21st Century Robotics
RobotBits Robot Gallery
Robot Gallery
Toy Robots Initiative
FRED - Functional Response Emulation Devices
Mobot Inc.
ChatBot Sandra
The Robot Hall of Fame
Hexapod and Parallel kinematics
Animal locomotion
Crocodylian locomotion
Introduction to birds and flight part 1
Introduction to birds and flight part 2
Introduction to birds and flight part 3
Jeff's Robots
GPS Basics
GALILEO - European Satellite Navigation System
ARM Anti-Robot Militia
Stair Robot
Orpheus rescue robot
Zoom Systems
Innovani - Interactive Talking Head Animation
AT&T Natural Voices Text-to-Speech Engine
A.L.I.C.E. Artificial Intelligence Foundation - chatbot
Kokoro Dreams - Actroid
Atlas Robotics
ThinkQuest Robot Poll
The EAP/Human Armwrestling Match
PingPong Robot
Robot Soccer
Boxer Jocks - Robotic Boxing
SwingAssist - Top Swing Golf Robot
Animatronic Human Eye
Hanson Robotics
Philip K. Dick Android Project
The Secret Doors Inside the Great Pyramid
Square Wheel Car
Karakuri Robots
Mannequin-man - The living mannequin
First Technology Safety Systems
iCrash Technology
The "Sierra Sam" Story
Robotic Nation by Marshall Brain
Robotic billiard
DVE Telepresence
Telbotics - Telepresence
Unotchit - LongPen
Z LAB Robots
Airport Bird Control - Robofalcon
Robot related offers at eBay
How To Survive A Robot Uprising
Alt.sex.fetish.robots FAQ
Technosexuality, pygmalionist & Mind Control Fetish FAQ
Mark Tilden interview
The Turing Test Page
NOVA Online - Bomb Squad
Dr.Joanne Pransky - World's First Robotic Psychiatrist
DARPA Grand Challenge
NOVA - The Great Robot Race
Robot Soul - AI as a cultural meme
Solar Sewage Drying with the Electric Mole
International Robot Olympiad Committee
ELROB 2006 - 1st European Land-Robot Trial
NASA - Centennial Challenges
RoboBusiness Conference & Expo 2006
Is There a Robot in Your Future? - Interview with Helen Greiner
914 PC BOTS Community Homepage
Ever-1 Android by KITECH, Korea
A Robot in Every Home - What's Bill Gates's opinion about robotics
Realistic sex dolls - Just like a woman
Communist Robot
Japanese robot store
United Nations Comission for Europe Robotics Report
Walking with Robots